Compline; “May no phantom appear in the night” Sunday 8th March 6.00 pm

Compline originated in monasteries; it is last the service of the day and after saying it the monks would immediately go to their cells to go to bed. By the time this article appears, it will have taken place, but if you have never heard of the service, I would encourage you to listen to one of the many recordings you can find on the internet. Sung compline combines said prayers and readings with haunting plainsong; I still vividly remember the impact it had on me when I attended my first service, forty years ago. At Billingsley we have less plainsong (although I hope we managed some in our service) but we do sing a number of hymns that hopefully catch the mood. At the March service, we also welcome a new preacher to the church, Canon Rose Lawley, who has retired as a vicar from Kidderminster to live in Highley.