Zoon events and services for week beginning 16th November

For the Home Group, I’m after ideas on what to do. It’s been suggested that we look at one of the shorter books of the Bible, which is fine, but which one? I can chose (1 John comes to my mind) but I’d like to encourage suggestions. Some books may be best done in one or two weeks; particularly some of the Old Testament books where there is really just one theme.


1) Wednesday Home Group, 7.00pm,

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Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

2) Friday Morning Prayer, 9.00am

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Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

3) Friday night prayer, 9.00pm

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Meeting ID: 359 285 1895





4) Sunday Morning Prayer, 10.00am



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Meeting ID: 860 9504 5519

Passcode: 589249