On Saturday the 8th September Ellen McConnell once again very generously hosted a coffee afternoon at her home. On offer was an amazing array of her delicious home baked scones, cakes and biscuits. In addition there were jars of her home made jams, preserves, cakes and so much more. The Bric a Brac tables proved to be very popular as did the card stall which did a roaring trade selling hand made cards curtesy of Lin and Chris. A raffle and guess the number of jelly babies helped to boost funds too. David’s woodworking skills were greatly admired and he sold out of garden windmills and now has a commission to construct another. Freshly picked garden produce and plants completed the offering.
A huge thank you to Ellen who worked tirelessly to make the day a massive success in bringing the community together. Also thanks to the many helpers and not least everyone who came along and gave their support.
At the latest count the event has boosted Church Funds by more than £550.