100 Club draws and results

Through your generosity and support of the 100 Club, St Mary’s now has a new portable heater and maintenance work that had to be postponed due to a lack of funds has been completed. The roof has been made secure by replacing and fixing broken and loose tiles. The guttering has been repaired where needed and painted and lime mortar repairs have been made to porch and eastern gable end of the church. As you may imagine maintenance of such an old building is always ongoing and we have been informed that in the not too distant future further roof work will be required to attend to failing laths.

This summer Club funds supported the planting of three flowers beds in the churchyard; one to commemorate the recent Platinum Jubilee and the other two to enhance the ecological diversity in the church grounds by providing nectar rich flowers for bees for as much of the year as possible. The Club also hosted a Jubilee picnic which was enjoyed by all those who were able to attend.

To see the very latest 100 Club news click here.

Draw Date1st prize number1st Prize Winner2nd Prize Number2nd Prize Winner3rd Prize Number3rd Prize Winner
February 202528 £36P Bates68 £18D Marsh72 £19A Leather
January 202516 £36S Bates35 £18D Prescott56 £19Y Garvey
December 202462 £56D Adams26 £28M Stepney68 £28D Marsh
November 202462 £35D Adams39 £17.50D Marsh47 £17.50E McConnell
October 202481 £38D Adams68 £19D Marsh31 £19R Thomas
September 202460 £38D Poyner62 £19D Adams31 £19 R Thomas
August 202485 £41E Marsh35 £20.50D Prescott68 £20.50 D Marsh
July 202476 £41.00R Hadley56 £20.50Y Garvey59 £20.50E Prescott
June 202480 £41J Dutton91 £20.50J Kenny66 £20.50D Poyner
May 202488 £41J Kirwin100 £20.50E Prescott28 £20.50P Bates
April 202494 £39S Bowen21 £19.50M Corfield38 £19.50Z Baggott
March 202417 £38L Hall77 £19E Marsh78 £19B Williams
February 202499 £43M Dixon97 £21.50P Martin39 £39D Marsh
January 202439 £43D Marsh7 £21.50H Hadley43 £21.50J Dutton
3rd December 202339 £68D Marsh72 £34.40A Leather80 £34.40J Dutton
3rd November 202391 £42J Kenny50 £21D Poyner44 £21J Middleton
6th October 202395 £42D Poyner3 £21S Middleton78 £21B Williams
10th September 202372 £37A Leather44 £18.50J Middleton3 £18.50S Middleton
6th August 2023£51H Hadley£25.50E Marsh£25.50D Poyner
9th July 202347 £51E McConnell60 £25.50D Poyner31 £25.50R Thomas
2nd June 202312 £49R Thomas62 £24.50D Adams42 £24.50W Lewis
5th May 202314 £48A Prescott80 £24J Dutton31 £24R Thomas
14th April 202370 £47A Wildblood59 £23.50E Prescott47 £23.50E McConnell
3rd March 202395 £47D Poyner81 £23.50D Adams73 £23.50R Pace
3rd February 202343 £47J Dutton78 £23.50B Williams28 £23.50J Dunbavin
6th January 202343 £46J Dutton66 £23D Poyner29 £26M Middleton
2nd December 202263 £73.60J Simmons17 £36.80D Lewis88 £36.80J Kirwin
4th November 202210 £46D Lewis56 £23Y Garvey12 £23R Thomas
7th October 202281 £45D Adams85 £22.50E Marsh97 £22.50P Martin
2nd September 202288 £45J Kirwin22 £22.50C Davies76 £22.50R Hadley
4th August 202297 £49P Martin43 £24.50J Dutton35 £24.50D Prescott
1st July 202242 £49W Lewis61 £24.50T Simmons49 £24.50L Eades
3rd June 202259 £49E Prescott28 £24.50J Dunbavin63 £24.50J Simmons
5th May 202292 £52D Stepney81 £26D Adams78 £26B Williams
1st April 202297 £52P Martin16 £26R Lauchlan53 £26S Hancox
4 March 2022100 £52E Prescott85 £27E Marsh58 £27E McConnell
4th February 20227 £54H Hadley85 £27E Marsh22 £27C Davies
7th January 202224 £54L Hall17 £27D Lewis58 £27E McConnell
3rd December 202159 £106E Prescott19 £53J Dunbavin51 £53A Prescott
4th November 202176 £53R Hadley27 £26.50J Walker24 £26.50L Hall
1st October 20215 £52A Saye2 £26M Rayner63 £26J Simmons
3rd September 202172 £55A Leather10 £27.50D Lewis64 £27.50A Martin
13th August 202167 £60D Maher11 £30P Ravenhill1 £30J Woodman
2nd July 202168 £59D Marsh13 £29.50C Davies31 £29.50R Thomas
4th June 202115 £59M Garvey31 £29.50R Thomas39 £29.50D Marsh
7th May 20216 £58B Hackett44 £29 J Middleton72 £29A Leather
9th April 2021
(2nd April - Good Friday)
97 £60P Martin14 £30A Prescott38 £30Z Baggot
5 March 202156 £60Y Garvey88 £30J Kirwin43 £30J Dutton
5 February 202110 £61D Lewis88 £30.50J Kirwin53 £30.50S Hancox
8 January 202167 £61D Maher68 £30.50D Marsh43 £30.50J Dutton
Christmas Bonus Draw
4 December 2020
72 £120A Leather94 £60S Bowen28 £60J Dunbavin
6 November 202078 £60B Williams16 £30R Lauchlan94 £30S Bowen
2 October 202037 £57J Sorokos7 £28.50H Hadley26 £28.50G Perry
4 September 202022 £53G Davies91 £26.50 M Stepney10 £26.50D Lewis