Author Archives: Sue Bates

Thought for the week 22nd May – People will always need people

Drawn to my attention by Sue Bates from Billingsley; a poem by Benjamin Zephaniah. The title says it all; very apt as we come out of lockdown. You can read it below, but why not the follow the link to hear the poet recite it?

It was first broadcast last year on BBC’s The One Show.

People need people,

To walk to

To talk to

To cry and rely on,

People will always need people.

To love and to miss

To hug and to kiss,

It’s useful to have other people.

To whom to moan

If you’re all alone,

It’s so hard to share

When no one is there.

There’s not much to do

When there’s no one but you.

People will always need people.


To please

To tease

To put you at ease,

People will always need people.

To make life appealing

And give life some meaning,

It’s useful to have other people.

It you need a change

To whom will you turn.

If you need a lesson

From whom will you learn.

If you need to play

You’ll know why I say

People will always need people.


As girlfriends

As boyfriends

From Bombay

To Ostend,

People will always need people-

To have friendly fights with

And share tasty bites with,

It’s useful to have other people.

People live in families

Gangs, posses and packs,

Its seems we need company

Before we relax,

So stop making enemies

And let’s face the facts,

People will always need people,


People will always need people.

Though for the week 14th May – Nature, man and the Govenor


Nature, man and the Governor

On Sunday, we had a joyful Rogation Sunday service in church. Rogation Sunday is a time when we remember the fruitfulness of the earth and pray for the fertility of the land and animals. On Sunday we went outside the church to bless fields and farm, sheep (and Rosie the dog), wild flowers and trees as well as all those who care and tend animals and crops. And we sang a hymn! And today (Thursday), we were told that Billingsley has got the Eco-church bronze award. Eco-church is promoted by A Rocha UK, to encourage churches to remember the environment; what vicars call “creation” and most other people just call “nature”. The jargon does not really matter; take a look at A Rocha’s website ( ) if you want to know more or pop into the church to look at our new information panel on wildlife and the churchyard.


Rather appropriately, just after we got the news of our award, I said Evening Prayer and found it included Psalm 8. This sees the whole of the world/creation/nature reflecting God and it points to our special place in the world. The writer of the psalm talks of us having “dominion” over fish, birds and animals, which does indeed reflect our power over them. It is interesting what is not said in the psalm. The people of the Old Testament were very aware that they did not have dominion over many things in the natural world; the weather, earthquakes or indeed plagues of locusts. We can add to that Covid-19. The writer of Psalm 8 is very clear that God is the ultimate governor, not humanity. We can join with the author in rejoicing at the natural world, reflecting on our unique position but using that power to ensure that we conserve, not destroy and to show humility and wisdom when dealing with natural processes over which we have no dominion.


Psalm 8

O Lord our governor, how glorious is your name in all the world!

Your majesty above the heavens is praised out of the mouths of babes at the breast.

You have founded a stronghold against your foes, that you might still the enemy and the avenger.

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have ordained,

What is man, that you should be mindful of him; the son of man, that you should seek him out?

You have made him little lower than the angels and crown him with glory and honour.

You have given him dominion over the works of your hands and put all things under his feet,

All sheep and oxen, even the wild beasts of the field,

The birds of the air, the fish of the sea and whatsoever moves in the paths of the sea.

O Lord our governor, how glorious is your name in all the world!


Home group and other Zoom events – week beginning 17th May

1) Wednesday Home Group, 7.00pm,

This will not take place this week as we have the Highley APCM at 7.00 in church.

Mike has suggested we tackle “Living in Faith and Hope” for our next topic; there is a 5 week course we can use. It will take me a little while to look at this, so I suggest we resume on Wednesday 2nd June.

2 Friday night prayer, 9.00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

Password: 512607

Home group and other Zoom events – week beginning 10th May

1) Wednesday Home Group, 7.00pm,

For the next four weeks, we will be looking at the Lord’s prayer. This week we look at temptation and power.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

Password: 512607

2 Friday night prayer, 9.00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

Password: 512607

May Draw of the 100 Club

The May draw of the 100 Club took place yesterday afternoon in Lincoln Fields. The draw was made by two times winner Mr Dave Lewis. The first number he drew from the bag was number 6 winning Barbara £58. The next two numbers both worth £29 each were 44 and 72. 44 making its first appearance as a prize winner and number 72 having last been drawn at Christmas in the bonus draw when it took the top prize. Congratulation go to all our winners this month!

A video of the draw will be available to view on or Facebook page shortly.

If you wish to support St Mary’s and the community of Billingsley as well as standing a chance to win a prize or two do visit the 100 Club page of this website for full details of how to join.

We are, as ever, so grateful to all our members who support us.



Thought for the week 8th May – The Old Testament and Perergrine Falcons

The Old Testament can appear to say some very strange things. The Bible reading for this morning was from the Book of Deuteronomy, and has the following instruction:

“If you come on a bird’s nest, in any tree or on the ground, with fledglings or eggs, with the mother sitting on the fledglings or on the eggs, you shall not take the mother with the young. Let the mother go, taking only the young for yourself, in order that it may go well with you and you may live long.”


I was not sure whether to be appalled by this endorsement of nest stealing or applaud an attempt at sustainable hunting. As so often when reading the Bible, context is everything. This passage, probably drawing on laws from around 1000BC, reflects a society where wild-fowl were a useful extra source of protein in an age where death from starvation when the rains failed was a very real possibility. The writer is urging his reader to act responsibility, to ensure that there will continue to be wild-fowl in the coming years. In much the same way, we impose restrictions on shooting and fishing.


The passage struck a cord with me as just a few minutes before I had read that the pair of Peregrine falcons that were nesting on the Clee Hill had been deliberately poisoned; the police are trying to identify the criminals behind this. I suspect that if the writer of Deuteronomy were to read of this incident, he would sadly conclude that all was not likely to go well for us in our society. Perhaps those responsible should learn from him or her.


St Mary’s Church, Billingsley – Services and events for May

Friday 7th May – 4pmMay draw of the 100 Club, Lincoln Fields.

Sunday 9th May – 6pm Rogation celebration; blessing of the crops. Rogation Sunday occurs in the middle of May and is a celebration of Spring when crops and animals are blessed in anticipation of fruitful yields at harvest. This year we will venture out of the church to bless the surrounding fields, farms, gardens, and livestock. Bring your plants or animals to be blessed!

Friday 21st May – 4pm – St Mary’s Church Annual Meeting. All welcome, to be held at the church.

Sunday 23rd May 8am – Holy Communion. A simple service of Holy Communion to start the day.

Thursday 27th May 7pm – Beating the bounds of Billingsley; a walk. A gentle evening walk, roughly around the parish bounds of Billingsley, reviving another Rogation custom. Meet at the church; finish by 8.30pm.

Home group and other Zoom events – week beginning 3rd May

1) Wednesday Home Group, 7.00pm,

For the next four weeks, we will be looking at the Lord’s prayer. This week we look at daily bread, forgiving and being forgiven.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

Password: 512607

2 Friday night prayer, 9.00pm

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

Password: 512607


Thought for the week 2nd May – The further adventures of the vicar, the imam and the rabbit

It was almost exactly a year ago that I introduced you to the vicar, the imam and the rabbit via a joke sent to me by a colleague at work. After diligent work by a member of the congregation from Billingsley, I can now reveal the next chapter in their adventures.

A vicar, an imam and a rabbit wander into a blood donor clinic. The nurse says “what blood group are you”? The rabbit says “I think I’m a type O”.

Those who show kindness by making us laugh have surely entertained angels unaware.


Thought for the week 24th April – saving football or saving the planet?

The news this week has featured two big stories. On Monday it was the breakaway super-league; five of the top English clubs and Tottenham Hotspurs had agreed with clubs in Italy and Spain to form their own league in preference to playing in the UEFA Champion’s League. I could not quite see why it was necessary for leading politicians to drop everything to attend an emergency meeting of the Premiership, (the elite, breakaway league formed by the top 24 English clubs thirty years ago) and threaten changes in the law. However, I was equally unimpressed by the reason trotted out by the president of one of the Spanish clubs for forming the super-league; he said it was about “saving football”. As was pointed out by the Rev Sam Wells, that takes a strange view of what was to be saved in the name of football; twelve powerful European clubs and bad luck to Aston Villa, Kidderminster Harriers and everyone else. I am not sorry it has collapsed.


The language of being “saved” is often used in Christianity. I am sometimes uncomfortable with how it can be used in this context; again, an obsession with the individual and a narrow focus on belonging to an “in-club”. This is not how the early church understood Jesus’s message; they were quite clear that through Jesus, God was reaching out to all humanity. Which brings me to the second story; the “Earth Day” summit on Thursday, where President Biden led the way in pledging real action to reduce climate change, to “save” the planet; to save creation, using vicar-speak. And this ties in with another conviction of the early church; that through Jesus, God was not just reaching out to humanity but was embracing all the universe, the entire natural world. Of the two visions of salvation that we have been offered this week, I know which I think is cross-shaped.