We had good attendances at our services over Christmas; take a look at the photo section on our Facebook page to see how the church looked. On Sunday 22nd we held our carol service, with traditional carols and readings to mark Christmas. Mulled wine and various refreshments were served afterwards and it was good that people stayed to chat. Then on Christmas Day we had short service at 9.30 am following a similar pattern. I was particularly pleased that 14 people attended this; there is clearly demand for a service on Christmas Day! Perhaps next year we might hold it as a communion service. It was nice to see a good turnout from the village at both services. On Sunday 29th we hosted a service for the entire benefice at 10.00 am, when our rector, Mike Harris preached. I would like to thank all those who worked so hard to decorate the church and to serve refreshments. We have also received a number of generous gifts, ranging from money, the Christmas tree, central heating oil and two new vases to replace those stolen. Visitors may also note that we have finally sorted out our disabled access ramp!
In January and February we will revert to a single service of Holy Communion at 8.00 am on the 4th Sunday of the month. Evening services are planned to start again on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 6.00 pm from March.