The Friends of Billingsley 100 Club has celebrated it’s first birthday. During the first 12 months no fewer than 36 individual prizes have been won totally £1,536. In addition £1,286 has been raised for the upkeep of St Marys and community projects. Last autumn heating for the church was purchased from the club funds and money has been put aside for structural work that will need to take place in the future to ensure the continuation of St Mary’s. Very shortly a community book exchange, to be located in the church, will be opened to mark the first anniversary of the club; this was an idea suggested by one of the club members.
Covid has impacted on many plans but all being well it won’t be too long before more starts to happen. As you can see the 100 Club is vital to the future of St Mary’s which has been part of the community for almost 1,000 years.
Lin very kindly agreed to draw the balls this month. £55 top prize went to a third time winner Andy, holder of lucky number 72. Dave also became a third time winner when number 10 was drawn second netting him £27.50. Finally Alex won £27.50 when her ball, 64, was drawn on its maiden entry.
A huge thank you goes to all the members who have recently renewed their membership for another year and to those who have joined during the last twelve months. Numbers are always available. Simply go to the website for more details.