There will be an Act of Remembrance on the grass between the main road and Lincoln Fields to remember all those who have given their lives in the service of this country since 1914. It will begin at 10.45am, with readings, music and prayers, ending just after the two minute silence at 11.00am. If the weather is bad, we will hold the service in church.
Remembering your own. Have you a relative or someone close to you who served in the First or Second World War who you wish to remember? Or who has been killed or suffered in conflicts since those times? If you wish, write down their names and bring them along to the Act of Remembrance. We will collect the names, collectively pray for them and display them in church.
Throughout November we are having a display of knitted poppies in the church. Please join us in church after out act of remembrance for tea and cake, and a short prayer to dedicate our display. We will also be ringing the church bells; all welcome to have a go! The entries for our competition for a photo of Billingsley Church will also be on display. All money we collect in November will be split between the church and the Royal British Legion.