We are hoping to start a “Friends of Billingsley” group and as a first step, Bonnie & Mike Garvey at 7 Bynd Lane have offered to host an informal meeting on Tuesday 5th March from 7.30pm with cheese & wine. If you would like to come along please contact Revd David Poyner (01562 68638) or Bonnie & Mike (01746 552567)
Category Archives: Meetings
April Sing Along and APCM
The April Sing Along Service at 6pm on Sunday 9th April will be followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting at 7.15pm.
Please do come along to enjoy singing some well known Easter hymns and a talk by David Poyner ‘Answering the Call’, followed by refreshments. The Annual Meeting will provide an opportunity to look back at the past year and more importantly look towards the future.
PCC AGM 2015
The AGM of St Mary’s Church, Billingsley PCC will be taking place on Wednesday 4th March, 7.30pm at The Bulls Head in Chelmarsh. This is an important meeting where the formal PCC posts are elected and the plans for the forthcoming year are discussed. If you would like to get involved, have some ideas for future services or fundraising, or just want to learn more and meet the PCC at an informal venue, please do come along. You will be most welcome and it will be lovely to see you there!
Zoe and Rebecca
Parochial Church Council Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held at the Cape of Good Hope pub in Billingsley on Monday March 18th at 8pm. It is open to everyone, and we’d love new people to attend to see what goes on, make suggestions for events, meet new people or whatever.