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Thought for the week 10th August – A Time for Everything and VJ Day

We have just had a service to celebrate some of the music of the 1960s which can point us to God. I’ve had great fun, looking at black and white video clips and reliving music I first heard as a child (born 1961, so 9 when the 60s ended!). One song I kept playing was “Turn, turn, turn”, “written” by Pete Seager in the late 1950s and made popular by The Byrds who released a version of it in 1965;

I say “written” because the song is almost all taken from the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3; “There is a time for everything and a season for everything under heaven”. Seager invented the title and contributed the last line. Ecclesiastes consists of a series of meditations by a writer traditionally known as “the teacher”. He observes the world and ponders why it seems so arbitrary; the Godly and ungodly both ultimately die and their works pass away. In the final chapter, the teacher concludes with what can seem like a cry of despair: “Meaningless, meaningless… everything is meaningless”. But the book needs to be seen in context of attempts by religious leaders to make sense of Israel’s history; a depressing story of failure and foreign occupation. Time and time again, the thinkers concluded that the failure was due to a failure on the part of themselves; if only they tried to reform their religion, God would restore them. The writer of Ecclesiastes would not have this; whatever God was doing, he could not be won over by ever more heroic acts of worship and obedience. His message was that we had to live our lives in a muddled, fallen world where good and bad both happened and to follow God despite that. I think he would have understood Jesus as God coming alongside us in this world.

As part of living in a muddled, fallen world, it becomes hard to make clear decisions. This is perhaps the message of the lines in Chapter 3 that Seager took for his song. Some of the lines are disturbing; “a time to kill and a time to heal…., a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace”. To that last phrase, Seager added the words “I swear it’s not too late”, which in 1960s USA with the Vietnam war in full flow, touched a cord with many. And yet I think the teacher recognised a grim truth about a muddled, fallen world. On August 15th, we mark the 75th anniversary of the ending of the 2nd World War, with the surrender of Japan. Victory came at a terrible price; not only Allied lives lost but two atom bombs. But I, for one, wish to give thanks for the allied victory over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, for the courage of those who fought for right. The teacher reminds us that the generation of the 1940s were right to choose war over unjust peace.

A gift for St Mary’s Church

Last November a beautiful knitted tribute was created by many friends of Billingsley for Remembrance Sunday. It was displayed over the alter. Whilst it was in place throughout November the church received many visitors one of which was a very special neighbour, guide dog Val and her owner Barbara.

Inspired by the photograph Nigel, Barbara’s husband who is a keen amateur artist who specialises in drawings of dogs, completed a picture of Val’s visit. He very generously donated the art work to the church. Now that the church is now open once more the picture is on display for all to see.


On-line events and services week beginning 3rd August

Dear All,

Details of events this coming week are below: all are welcome! Please pass these invitations on to anyone who you think might be interested.


Live Service

Sunday August 9th, 10.00am at Chelmarsh (not on Zoom; turn up if you can…).


Zoom services


1) Wednesday evening catch-up

August 5th, 2020 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


2) Friday Morning Prayer, 9.00am

August 7th, 2020 09:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Service at

3) Friday night prayer

August 7th, 2020 09:00 PM London

Service at







Events for August

Sunday August 9th

6.00pm Billingsley Church: God and the Sounds of the 60s

Listen to some of classic hits of the 1960s (and early 70s) and explore their spirituality. Flowers in your hair optional….


Thursday August 13th

6.30pm Billingsley Church; guided walk to Sidbury Church.

4 miles, Refreshments afterwards


Sunday August 23rd

8.00am Billingsley Church: Holy Communion


Don’t forget to join the 100 Club; just £1 a week to support the church and the chance to win prizes every month! See our websites for details. The first draw will take place on Friday 4th September 2pm Lincoln Fields grassed area


David Poyner, assistant curate, Severn Valley Benefice.   Tel 01562 68638, email

Follow us on Facebook  or our websites, ,

Thought for the Week 2nd August – ‘Touch’

Thought for the week, 2nd August; Touch

This week, one of the chaplains at my place of work (Aston University), led a meditation on a story of how Jesus healed a man from leprosy. In this story, Jesus reaches out and touches the leper. This was a remarkable act; touching a leper would have exposed Jesus to risk of getting the disease. The leper would have been considered both physically and ritually unclean; by his actions, Jesus himself would also have made himself unclean. The story has particular resonance for this time of Covid, particularly with the unwelcome but necessary slowing of the release from lockdown announced over the last couple of days. It would have been the equivalent of Jesus kissing a patient with Covid. Nor was this an isolated event; we are told in the Gospels of other occasions where Jesus defied both convention and common sense to touch those he to whom he was ministering.

We are not Jesus; the one lesson that we most certainly should not draw from this is that we ought to abandon social distancing and rules on contact! To do that would be an act of self-importance not service. But there are two things that are worth our attention. Firstly, these stories remind us of the power of human touch. Touch can of course be unwelcome or threatening, but in the right context, it is a very powerful and intimate means of showing support. In this current period, its absence may remind us just how much we miss it. But what we cannot do, God does. This story reminds us that God reaches out and embraces all of humanity, whatever form their and our leprosy takes. Thanks be to God.

Walk through Medieval Billingsley 30th July and Evening Services 26th July and 9th August

This image shows earthworks around Billingsley Church and Hall Farm

Sunday July 26th

6.00pm Billingsley Church: Music and words for a new beginning


Thursday 30th July

7.00pm; Walking through Medieval Billingsley

A guided walk looking at the historic landscape of Billingsley. Meet at the church; refreshments afterwards. Easy walking, 90 minutes.


Sunday August 9th

6.00pm Billingsley Church: Thank you God for birds

A celebration of birds in words and music.


David Poyner, assistant curate, Severn Valley Benefice.   Tel 01562 68638, email

Follow us on Facebook  or our websites, ,  (Billingsley) (Glazeley)

Thought for the week 26th July – God and Money

Thought for the week; God and Money

A new DIY store has opened at the bottom of the road in Kidderminster. How morally superior I feel as I drive past the queues of people waiting to get inside on a Sunday morning!

At Billingsley Church, we’ve just joined Easy Giving. When you make an online purchase from a retailer taking part in the scheme, they make a donation to the church. How virtuous I felt earlier this week when I bought yet more books for myself and raised £5 for the church at the same time!

Yes, there is a contradiction….

You can pick and chose Jesus’s words on money to suit whatever mood you are in. “You cannot serve God and money”; “sell what you possess and give to the poor”. But he also paid taxes to the temple and we know that Judas, the disciple who betrayed him, kept the “common purse”; the money that Jesus used to support himself and his followers. Perhaps the best view is that Jesus was very aware of the dangers of how wealth can corrupt and this is what he was warning against. Indeed, this is a theme that runs through the whole Bible; money, economic activity is recognised as essential for human society but it should never become the purpose of life.

This is particularly pertinent at the moment, when the Government is faced with difficult choices about how to restart the national economy. We need to buy and sell goods; the people queuing at the new shop in Kidderminster were helping to keep the staff who work there in a job. In the current situation, responsible shopping can be seen as a highly moral act.

As a church we naturally honour those who work in caring professions, those whose job involves some kind of sacrifice for the common good. Perhaps we do not do enough to give thanks for the entrepreneurs, the self-employed, the business people who work long hours and risk their own livelihoods to create the wealth that supports us all. Some may become wealthy, but if their efforts give employment and fair wages to others, I suspect they may find it easier to pass through the eye of the needle than myself. We should remember to pray for their efforts, that they may be directed at building a just and fair society.


Evening Services resume at St Mary’s 26th July

Details of events this coming week are below: all are welcome! Please pass these invitations on to anyone who you think might be interested.


Live Service!

Sunday July 26th

6.00pm Billingsley, music and words for a new beginning

1) Wednesday evening catch-up

July 22, 2020 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

2) Friday Morning Prayer, 9.00am

July 24, 2020 09:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Service at

3) Friday night prayer

July 24, 2020 09:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Service at

 4) Sunday morning prayer

July 26, 2020 10:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Service at





Thought for the week 19th July – Where prayer has been valid

Thought for the week, July 19th; Where prayer has been valid.


So at last, churches are reopening. Billingsley church has been open to visitors for around three weeks now and I am aware that a number of people have been going in. I would encourage anyone who wishes to visit; the church is always open so just turn up and go in. Today we take another step with our first services; an 8.00am communion in Billingsley followed by a 10.30 service in Glazeley. Next week we have a 6.00pm evening service in Billingsley.

All this raises an important question; why do we bother with our buildings? A couple of weeks ago, I reprinted a cartoon that very powerfully made the point that the church exists wherever people of faith are. In normal times, my altar is my computer in my office at Aston University, where I work four days a week; currently it is the computer in my living room as I work from home. In the days of the early church, the first Christians met in the homes of those who had space to accommodate them. Could we not revert to that for regular worship, or perhaps hire a building if the numbers are large enough? Within the benefice, we have a service that regularly takes place in the Severn Centre in Highley. For many years, some have complained about the way the church spends an inordinate amount of time maintaining buildings it no longer needs.

I understand these arguments and up to a point, I can agree with them. I once lived in Cambridge, where I doubt all the city centre churches and chapels were ever viable. There comes a point where a church, however venerable, is simply unaffordable. But there is another voice that I hear. Particularly in rural benefices such as ours, our churches have been sacred places for a millennium or so; quite possibly the space was used for worship before a stone of our current Norman buildings were laid. There is a quality of peace and simplicity in the buildings and the churchyards that speaks to many, even if they would not wish to identify as Christians. The poet T.S. Elliot seems to me to sum it up in some lines he wrote about a medieval place of pilgrimage, Little Gidding, in East Anglia.

“You are not hear verify, instruct yourself, inform curiosity, or carry report. You are here to kneel, Where prayer has been valid”.

Whilst people still find help in our places, where prayer has been valid, my wish is to keep them open if at all possible.


Little Gidding, verse 3, TS Elliot

If you came this way,

Taking any route, starting from anywhere,

At any time or at any season,

It would always be the same: you would have to put off

Sense and notion. You are not here to verify,

Instruct yourself, or inform curiosity

Or carry report. You are here to kneel

Where prayer has been valid. And prayer is more

Than an order of words, the conscious occupation

Of the praying mind, or the sound of the voice praying.

And what the dead had no speech for, when living,

They can tell you, being dead: the communication

Of the dead is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living.

Here, the intersection of the timeless moment

Is England and nowhere. Never and always.

Services and Events for week beginning 13th July including Church communion services

1) Wednesday evening catch-up

July 15, 2020 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

2) Friday Morning Prayer, 9.00am

July 17, 2020 09:00 AM London

Service at


3) Friday night prayer

July 17, 2020 09:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Sunday 19th July; Services in Church!

8.00am Holy Communion, Billingsley

10.30am Holy Communion, Glazeley

These services are open to all. Don’t worry if you don’t want to take communion, you will still be welcome.
