Many months ago St Mary’s made a bid to the Community Tree Scheme run by Shropshire Council to fill gaps in the hedging to the southern and western boundaries of the churchyard. Therefore it was with great anticipation of things to come that 20 native hedging species were collected from Ludlow yesterday as part of this scheme. Following a thorough soaking the bare root saplings were then planted with great care. Hawthorn, dogwood, field maple, dog rose. blackthorn guelder rose and hazel are the new additions generously donated by the CTS. This is the latest project that has been undertaken as part of the church’s commitment to providing wildlife with the best possible environment within the church grounds.
Whilst planting was taking place a few notable spring wild flower were putting in an appearance in the beautiful sunshine. They included the yellow lesser celandine, white wood sorrel, dog mercury and the ever popular primrose.