Zoom events and services – week beginning 22nd February

1) Wednesday Home Group, 7.00pm,


During Lent, we will be considering “Hard Questions”, picking up some of the issues raised in the Sunday Service (available on the Highley St Mary’s website). If you haven’t listened to the service, don’t worry, just come along and listen or join in with the discussion, as you want. This week, we consider the churches attitude to same-sex relationships.

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Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

Password: 512607

2) Friday Morning Prayer, 9.00am

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Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

Password: 512607

3) Friday night prayer, 9.00pm

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Meeting ID: 359 285 1895

Password: 512607

4) Sunday Morning Prayer, 10.00am (Whilst lockdown lasts)

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Meeting ID: 860 9504 5519

Passcode: 589249