April Events 2021

14th Century Easter Sepulchre

14th Century Easter Sepulchre

St Mary’s Church, Billingsley

Events, April 2021

The medieval Easter Sepulchre in Billingsley Church




Easter Sunday, 4th April

8.00 am Easter Communion around the Easter Sepulchre

We will use Billingsley’s medieval Easter Sepulchre to dress the altar, as we celebrate the Resurrection.


6.00pm Sunday 11th April,

Holy Water and Holy Wells

From prehistoric times, water and wells have been considered holy. Come along to discover more about this, including some local holy wells (one in Billingsley?) we will visit later in the year.


8.00am Sunday 25th April,

Holy Communion

A simple service of Holy Communion to start the day.


David Poyner, assistant curate, Severn Valley Benefice.   Tel 01562 68638/ 0121 204 3997; email D.R.Poyner@aston.ac.uk  Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BillingsleyChurch/  or our websites, www.st-marys-billingsley.org.ukhttps://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/10415/