Spring Clean and Preparing for Summer


On Sunday 21st March volunteers from the community worked hard at the church to prepare the grounds in readiness for the Summer. The churchyard is managed in such a way to support biodiversity. The south facing area has been mown and will now be left for a few months for the wild flowers to grow, flower and set their seeds before the area is scythed later in the year. The abundance of wildflowers provide nectar for pollinators and a niche for many insects and small mammals. The grassy paths have also been mown and will continue to be throughout the growing year. Whist attempts are made to keep the main path ‘weed free’ all other areas are deliberately kept in as natural state as possible.

At the end of March native hedging will be planted to fill in the gaps along the western perimeter of the churchyard. These have been kindly supplied by Shropshire Council as part of their Community Tree Scheme.

Covid restrictions permitting, we are hopeful that it won’t be too long before the volunteers from Caring for God’s Acre will once again be able to visit and assist in the environmental work being carried out at St Mary’s.

Inside, the church has been dusted, polished and swept in readiness for the commencement of services, the first of which will be held at 8.00am on Easter Sunday.

Anyone in the vicinity of the church on Sunday may have heard the organ playing. We were very fortunate to receive two visitors on Sunday, David and Theresa. Whilst enjoying the peace and tranquillity of St Mary’s, David played the organ which was wonderful to hear whilst working in the churchyard.

Anyone is welcome to come and sit and share this special place that is in our midst in Billingsley. On Sunday is was truly a delight to hear the bird song and see nature waking up for Spring. we are so very fotunate.