Category Archives: Christingle

Christmas Services at St Mary’s

Please join us over Christmas at one (or more!) of our services 

Sunday 22nd December, 4.00pm; Christmas Carol Service, with refreshments afterwards

Children welcome to help with telling the Christmas story in this service; please contact Sue (07434 882845), Bonnie (01746 552567) or David (as below), or just turn up!

Christmas Day, December 25th, 9.30am; Christmas worship 

Sunday 29th December; 10.00am Family Communion

We will be joined by our sister congregations from Highley, Chelmarsh, Glazeley and Deuxhill


The Children’s Society

Thank you to everyone who came to our Carol & Christingle Service. We raised £70 for the Children’s Society. Thank you also to Stacey Stoker for making the Christingles, and to everyone who brought refreshments. It was a lovely evening, thanks again to you all.

Carol Service and Christingle 2014

It was a packed Church for the annual village Carol Service and Christingle on Sunday 14th December. The service was beautifully decorated with holly and candles, and the Service followed the traditional format of 9 lessons and carols. During the service, the children helped to light the Christingles and the lights were switched off for a candlelit rendition of “Away in a Manger”. Afterwards, there was mulled wine and plenty of seasonal nibbles for everyone to enjoy whilst they enjoyed a get together with neighbours. All donations from the collection plate (£100 in total) were donated to The Children’s Society. Churchwardens Zoe and Rebecca would like to thank everyone that helped decorate the Church, prepare refreshments or read on the night and to everyone for attending.

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Carol Service and Christingle 2013

It was standing room only at St Mary’s Church on Sunday 15th December when the village held its annual Carol Service. The service follows the traditional format of 9 lessons and Carols, but this year incorporated a Christingle element. The children made their Christingles during the first part of the service and processed to the front of the Church during “Away in a Manger”. The children, whilst holding their lit Christingles, then each said a few words about the Christingle story and what the different parts of the Christingle mean. The retiring collection raised £131.65p for The Children’s Society. The service was followed by light refreshments including mince pies and mulled wine. The church wardens would like to thank everyone who attended this event, all the readers, and everyone who helped to organise the service or donated refreshments.

Pictured with his finished Christingle is Oliver Baggott (age 9) with Rev'd Fliss Iliffe. 

Pictured with his finished Christingle is Oliver Baggott (age 9) with Rev’d Fliss Iliffe.

Carol Service 2012

Our Carol Service of Nine Lessons & Carols is at 6.30pm on Sunday 23rd December. Afterwards there will be mince pies, Christmas cake and mulled wine. The church looks so beautiful, thanks to all who came and helped to decorate it. Hope you can come along and join in.