To mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, on Thursday June 6th, we will have a very short service in Billingsley Church at 6pm; I will ring the bells and say some prayers. It will be a short service. Anyone is welcome to join me if they wish, even if it is to simply sit in silence. Of course, the church will also be open all day for those who simply want a quiet place to sit and reflect
Category Archives: Services
Billingsley and Glazeley Churches, Events, November 2023
Sunday 12thNovember,10.15am, Glazeley Church; Remembrance Sunday.
There will be a service in the church, followed by the Act of Remembrance at the war memorial at 10.45. There will also be a short Act of Remembrance in Billingsley Church at 10.55am.
Saturday 18thNovember, 9.00am, Breakfast at the Down. Contact David Poyner (details below) or Marion ( if you wish to come; cost £8. A social event in aid of Chetton church, to meet people from our local communities. All welcome.
Sunday, 19thNovember, 10am St Bartholomew’s Glazeley; Holy Communion
Sunday, 26th November, 8am St Mary’s Billingsley
Holy Communion
David Poyner, assistant curate. Tel 01562 68638 /0780 100 9693; email Facebook or a Church Near You, (Billingsley)/ Glazeley&Deuxhill: St Bartholomew – A Church Near You (Glazeley)
Evening service, Sunday 8th October 6pm; Journeys Around Mountains
On Sunday October 8th Reverend David Poyner will present the final talk a series based upon the theme of travel. He will draw upon 40 years experience of hill walking in the UK and maybe beyond to inform and certain entertain the congregation. Refreshments will be available afterwards.
July services and events
Please click below for details all the services and events that are taking place in July. In addition Caring for God’s Acre will be coming to the churchyard on Wednesday 6th July at 10 am. Anyone interesting in helping with some ground maintenance will be made very welcome; refreshments will be available.
June Events and Services
Compline; “May no phantom appear in the night” Sunday 8th March 6.00 pm
Compline originated in monasteries; it is last the service of the day and after saying it the monks would immediately go to their cells to go to bed. By the time this article appears, it will have taken place, but if you have never heard of the service, I would encourage you to listen to one of the many recordings you can find on the internet. Sung compline combines said prayers and readings with haunting plainsong; I still vividly remember the impact it had on me when I attended my first service, forty years ago. At Billingsley we have less plainsong (although I hope we managed some in our service) but we do sing a number of hymns that hopefully catch the mood. At the March service, we also welcome a new preacher to the church, Canon Rose Lawley, who has retired as a vicar from Kidderminster to live in Highley.
Spring news
January and February are quiet months at Billingsley Church as we have only one service a month, an 8.00am Holy Communion. At the January service, the small but faithful congregation was augmented by one of our friends who normally worships at Highley. Everyone is welcome at this service; particularly for those anywhere in the benefice who need to go out during the day on a Sunday, it gives an opportunity to do this and still attend a service. The January service was noted for the coldness of the church, due to a problem with the heating. I am pleased to say that this has now been fixed; many thanks to engineer Barry Valentine for helping us. We are aware that our boiler is old and only has a limited life; whilst raising funds for a replacement heating system will be challenging, we are starting to investigate options.
We are looking forward to the resumption of our 6.00pm evening services, on the second Sunday of the month. In March, (8th), our service will be based around Compline. This originates from the prayers that monks said just before they went to bed; it is made up of readings, prayers and music that allow us to reflect on the events of the day/weekend/week, so that leave in a calm and peaceful state. Today, many call this “mindfulness” and at the university where I work, courses based on it are put on to help staff deal with stress, but it has been practised in the church for centuries.
Another good way of de-stressing is to watch nature in the countryside. Billingsley Churchyard, with its benches (and the porch and church for shelter if the weather turns bad; tea and coffee making facilities available in the church). We manage the churchyard to try and encourage wildlife as well as providing a respectful space for those who have loved ones who are buried in it. At the end of January, we did a bird survey and hope to get a grant for putting in bird boxes. So if you are feeling stressed, just sit in the churchyard and enjoy God’s creation!
Rememberance Sunday – 10th November 10.45am
Remembrance Sunday
On Sunday 10th November at 10.45 we will meet at Lincoln Fields for an act of Remembrance on the grassed verge, followed by bell ringing and refreshments after in church
If you a knitter or crocheter don’t forget we need poppies to decorate the church. They can be dropped off in church anytime before the 1st November.
Mews in the Pews, Pet Service – 16th June
“Evenings at Billingsley” – October 14th
At our 6pm evening service this month we will be looking towards the 100th anniversary of the ending of the First World War. The focus will commemorate the life of Harold Gibbs, the only Billingsley man to be killed in the war.
After the service there will be refreshments and a time to chat.
Please do come and join us.