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Thought for the week 10th July – This Sunday Evening

I promise this is the last thought I will write about football, at least for this month….


By the time you read this, you may already know. Some of you may simply not care. But for those of us who have the affliction of following football, and following England in particular, Sunday evening looms with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Sport can do strange things to your emotions. Some will simply not be able to bring themselves to watch; fear will remove any pleasure. Others will maintain an easy confidence; of course we will win, but I suspect that is a front (or simple over-confidence). Most fans will watch, cheering and groaning at regular intervals. Oh the agony and the ecstasy! I’ve twice seen Kidderminster Harriers lose at Wembley in extra time; unless you have had the pain, you don’t appreciate the glory. At its best, playing or watching competitive sport, you understand passion accepting and embracing life for what it is, but dreaming of what it might ultimately be, always hoping.


Perhaps these thoughts give some insight into parts of the bible? My passion as a football supporter helps me understand some of what St Paul writes, as he describes the agonies and ectasies of his own life as a Christian minister:

“ We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed… So we do not lose heart… For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure, because we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.”


So get behind your team and your life.

Thought for the week 3rd July – Signs and symbols

For me it was last summer that it really struck home; watching the international cricketers “taking the knee” before play. This was of course from the “Black lives matter” movement, a gesture that originated in the United States. I had seen it at the protest marches in this country, but seeing it at cricket matches brought home to me how it had captured people’s imagination. Now it occurs at the start of every professional football match in this country and at most games in the Euros. The gesture has not been without controversy but I have to say I find it a useful reminder of our need to stand against acts of injustice, whether deliberate or unintentional. I have to say I find it baffling when teams are booed for the gesture. Symbolic gestures are of course ingrained in the church; perhaps the most familiar is folding hands when praying, something drummed into people of my age at school assemblies. This may have originated as an aid to stop distraction, but it is now recognised as a sign that the person is praying. As with taking the knee, this may or may not be useful. It can be insincere. There is also the potential for embarrassment…. There are photos of myself, taken when I was ordained, where I seem to be sickeningly pious with my hands clasped together. I now cringe when I see them, but they truthfully capture a moment when, for me, it was exactly the right thing to do; the movement spoke more than any words I may or may not have been uttering. This says something important about symbols. Speaking is not the only way of communicating; our movements, kneeling, clasping hands, can be very clear statements about how we feel. We need to be mindful of the effect that they might have on others, just as do with words, but we should not neglect the power of our body language to express our deepest emotions and aspirations.


July Draw of the 100 Club

The July draw took place in glorious sunshine. A third win for Diana whose number was drawn first today winning her £59. Lucky 13 was next to be drawn winning Colin £29.50 and the final ball out of the bag, number 31, made its second appearance having been drawn for the first time last week allowing Richard to take a cheque for £29.50.

Congratulations to all the lucky winners! Thank you to everyone who continue to support the 100 Club.

The August draw will take place on the 6th.

Events for July

St Agatha A woman of Billingsley Church

4.00pm Friday 2nd July; 100 Club Draw – Lincoln Fields


6.00pm Sunday 11th July; The Women of Billingsley Church

Billingsley Church has been shaped by women; come along to hear their stories


7.00pm Wednesday 21st July; A celebration of Billingsley Churchyard

We celebrate the spirituality of the natural world by focussing on our churchyard, using music, words and time for reflection.


12 noon Saturday 24th July; Auction for local churches, Chelmarsh Parish Hall

Please contact Bonnie Garvey (01746 552567/ or myself if you have any items you can donate for this.


8.00am Sunday 25th July; Holy Communion

A simple service of Holy Communion to start the day.


6.45pm Thursday 29th July; A walk around Chelmarsh

Meet outside Chelmarsh Church (easy parking!) for a walk around the reservoir and the common


David Poyner, assistant curate, Severn Valley Benefice.   Tel 01562 68638/ 0121 204 3997; email  Follow us on Facebook  or our websites,



Come and enjoy a Wildlife Safari in Billingsley

The churchyard at St Mary’s is wildlife treasure.

The land has never been intensively managed or subject to chemical fertilisers or herbicides which make it a unique and special place. It is managed very specifically to increase biodiversity for flora and fauna and provides niche habitats for many insects, small mammals and birds. Various zones are managed to create different environments; you can find out more by looking at the management plan. At certain times of the year the grounds may appear ‘untidy’ but nature prefers it this way and we are happy to let the wildflowers grow and scatter their own seeds. You will notice that in corners of the churchyard piles of wood have been deliberately left to give shelter and will rot down providing valuable food for decomposers.

The churchyard is a peaceful and tranquil haven that can be enjoyed by humans too. Explore the grounds and see what you can spot. There are many things to look out for such as the ancient yews which are amongst the oldest in the whole county dating back many centuries. During the winter the ground is blanketed by snowdrops, in spring the primroses are a welcome sight amongst other early flowers. By the summer wild flowers grow within the tall grasses and in autumn many very beautiful varieties of fungi appear. The memorable stones provide special habitats to lichens and sloe worms and newts have been spotted. Take a while to sit, stop and listen to the birdsong or just the wind rustling through the trees. Relax and feel at ease and enjoy this very special place that we want to share.

In the church there is a new display with lots of news and updates regrading the environmental work that has been carried out and how the churchyard is managed throughout the year. In addition you will find numerous guides and resources to enable you to enjoy your very own wildlife safari in the church grounds.

There is something that will appeal to all ages and everyone is very welcome; don’t forget to share the discoveries you make on your safari.

St Mary’s gains a Bronze Eco Church Award

St Mary’s Church has been awarded a bronze Eco Church award as part of a Rocha UK project. St Mary’s is the first church in the Severn Valley benefice to receive an award. More details of the scheme can be found on their website

As a member of this scheme St Mary’s  completed an Eco Survey which covered different areas of how the church contributes to God’s Earth in different areas of its life and work. The answers  provided gained points towards an Eco Church Award – the more any church does, the more points they get! St Mary’s is now looking to build upon the progress already made to gain a silver award.

The survey covers five key areas of church life:

  • Worship and teaching
  • Management of church buildings
  • Management of church land
  • Community and global engagement
  • Lifestyle

Thought for the week 26th June – True Worth

As a scientist, I am ultimately judged by the work I produce. The way that is done in science is by publishing results in papers in specialist journals; these describe the work and its significance. But beyond that lies much politics. Most projects involve a number of people; how many of these have contributed enough to be included as authors? Then there is the order of authors; first author usually did most of the experiments, the final author usually planned it; 2nd or 3rd from first or last isn’t too bad; not good if you are the middle where  most end up. The person in charge of the paper sometimes needs considerable tact and diplomacy in order to draw up the author list. Equally, an important lesson for a young scientist to learn is a true estimation of their own value in a project. False modesty and inappropriate self-importance are equally wrong; the former as it simply encourages the latter individuals in their own delusions.


Jesus never had to sort out the author list on an academic paper, but he did have to deal with egos of his followers, some of whom seem to have been very keen on status. He used the story of guests at a wedding to urge his followers to sit at lowest place on the table, not the highest. There is perhaps a danger that this can be seen as way of getting approval, as the host, very publicly, has to encourage the individuals to a better place. But the most striking teaching is at the last supper, when Jesus, very much in charge of the event and clearly the leader, takes on the role of a servant to wash the feet of his disciples. Here Jesus demonstrates how it is possible to reconcile being a leader with acting a servant to those he had to lead. It is the balance between recognising our worth (with the responsibilities that brings) alongside a recognition of the value of others.


Thought for the week 20th June – Power and the Kingdom

Power and the Kingdom

We have had a number of meetings between world leaders in the last few days; the G7 in Cornwall, President Biden meeting Boris Johnson and then President Putin. We need leaders, politicians who are prepared to take decisions, hopefully for the common good. And it is not just the prime ministers and presidents; our own members of Parliament also do us an essential service by debating the affairs of our nation. Each day, before parliamentary business begins, the chaplain to the speaker says a short prayer in the house of commons. It reminds MPs and ourselves that the exercise of power is necessary and can be a force for good, if it is done for the benefit of those MPs serve and not themselves. This sacrificial power is that was exercised by Jesus and underpins the kingdom he proclaimed.


“Lord, the God of righteousness and truth, grant to our Queen and her government, to Members of Parliament and all in positions of responsibility, the guidance of your Spirit. May they never lead the nation wrongly through love of power, desire to please, or unworthy ideals but laying aside all private interests and prejudices keep in mind their responsibility to seek to improve the condition of all mankind; so may your kingdom come and your name be hallowed. Amen.”

Events for the week beginning 14th June


1) Wednesday Home Group, 7.00pm,


We continue with session 3 of “Living in Faith and Hope”. Don’t worry if you haven’t attended a session before; much to my surprise (!), the videos are really rather good and self-contained.


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Password: 512607






2) Friday night prayer, 9.00pm



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Password: 512607