A community Jubilee Picnic, hosted by the 100 Club, was held in the orchard next to the church on Friday 3rd June. There was a splendid turn out from villagers plus a few members of the 100 Club who live further afield. Everyone had a super afternoon enjoying their picnics, refreshments and the splendid views and wonderful sunshine. Our thanks go to everyone who supported the event plus those who gave up their time to help with the preparations and clearing away. And of course the 100 Club members who made this event possible.
Rev. David Poyner said a prayer for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, a toast was made and a celebratory cake was cut. The June draw for the club took place immediately afterwards. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Wildblood for making the draw. Mr Wildblood was hoping to pull his own number out as it is yet to make an appearance but alas it was not to be; better luck next month! The first prize once again goes to lucky Eveline (59) who has very generously asked that her winnings fund something special for the churchyard, we thank you. James (28) and Julie (63) both won a cheque for £24.50 each.