The April draw of the 100 club was delayed by one week due to Good Friday. On the 14th of April number 70 was drawn for the very first time and won Alan and Liz £47. Numbers 59 and 47 won Evelina and Ellen £23.50 each. Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
At the time of writing this report the 100 Club has come to the rescue of the water supply system at the church and had enabled the purchase of a new water pump. Sadly there now seems to be another problem with the private water supply system but thanks to the generous support of 100 Club members we are able to investigate further and if necessary, book a call out with an engineer. If this had happened a few years ago this would simply have not been possible. This is another example of how the 100 Club is making a very tabgable difference to the community of Billingsley. We thank our members most sincerely.