Author Archives: Stuart Fellows

The New Organ

Yesterday we had a new organ installed at the church. Thank you to Allens Organ Studios of High Wycombe for delivering and installing the organ, we’re all really pleased to be able to sing along with a beautiful new organ at last.

New Church Organ at St MArys Church Billingsley


Palm Sunday Service 2014

Our Palm Sunday service will be on Sunday 13th April at 9.30am. All are welcome to attend. We have just ordered the palm crosses from African Palms which is a wonderful organisation helping African farmers to supplement their incomes by producing these palm crosses. Please take a look at the website to learn more about them.

Quiz Night Funds Raised

The Fundraising Quiz was a big success, attended by nearly 100 people, and it raised £567 for Billingsley Church funds.

A big Thank You to the people who helped to make the quiz such a success, especially those who did the food, the bar, and of course those who came!

Quiz Night

In aid of St Mary’s Church, Billingsley
Saturday 25th January 7.30pm
Kinlet Village Hall

£7.50 per person includes entry into the quiz and a hot supper (vegetarian option available)

Maximum of 4 per quiz team

Licensed Bar & Raffle

To register a team please contact Zoe Baggott on 07974 808817 or email

Carol Service and Christingle 2013

It was standing room only at St Mary’s Church on Sunday 15th December when the village held its annual Carol Service. The service follows the traditional format of 9 lessons and Carols, but this year incorporated a Christingle element. The children made their Christingles during the first part of the service and processed to the front of the Church during “Away in a Manger”. The children, whilst holding their lit Christingles, then each said a few words about the Christingle story and what the different parts of the Christingle mean. The retiring collection raised £131.65p for The Children’s Society. The service was followed by light refreshments including mince pies and mulled wine. The church wardens would like to thank everyone who attended this event, all the readers, and everyone who helped to organise the service or donated refreshments.

Pictured with his finished Christingle is Oliver Baggott (age 9) with Rev'd Fliss Iliffe. 

Pictured with his finished Christingle is Oliver Baggott (age 9) with Rev’d Fliss Iliffe.

Coffee Morning in aid of the Royal British Legion

We are delighted to announce that our Coffee Morning held at the church to raise funds for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal raised £132.70.

A big thank you to everyone who came along and supported the event especially to the representatives of the Bridgnorth Branch of the British Legion who were also in attendance; their Standard Bearer Jim Hall Gough and their President Chris Beck.

Bridgnorth Branch of The British Legion

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Harvest Appeal 2013

Parishioners were extremely supportive of our Harvest Appeal for donations for the Bridgnorth Foodbank. Zoe and Rebecca (Church Wardens) delivered the items to the foodbank on Monday 21st October, and are pictured at the foodbank with volunteer Kate as she was processing the Billingsley donations. Thanks to everyone who supported this year’s appeal.

St Marys Billingsley Harvest Appeal Bridgnorth Food Bank

Coffee Morning in aid of the Royal British Legion

Royal British legionTuesday 5th November
10.30 – 11.30am
St Mary’s Church, Billingsley

Donations to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

The Bridgnorth Branch of the British Legion will be represented by their Standard Bearer Jim Hall Gough and their President Chris Beck.

Babies and Children welcome
(We have a dedicated play area inside the Church)

Come and have a get-together with your neighbours, have a drink, eat some delicious cakes, and raise money for this worthwhile cause.

Please contact Zoe Baggott on 07974 808817 or if you want more information or need assistance with transport etc.